Jackie Walker

Creating a learning space for me, for you and for them

Posts Tagged ‘excuses

Learning by Writing

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My thanks go to Joanna Young for her post on JJL about How do you Write to Learn.  I’ve been thinking for a while that I have abandoned my learning writing.  Much of this has been to do with being too busy with day life to find time to write meaningfully and increase my learning by doing so.

This blog is my learning place and my other blog at  The Divorce Coach is more of my teaching place.  In order to learn more, I feel I need to take time and give it due consideration.  Today I realised that I was making excuses.  I also realised that although I have dedicated to explore the tarot on this blog, it doesn’t mean that’s all I have to write about.

Just by being willing to write this down it has opened up a new bandwidth for my communication both with myself and others.  It’s interesting to me to realise that as I stop myself with self imposed restrictions so must others and perhaps my being willing to own this will generate some new spark for someone else.

Writing is an extraordinary tool – it brings thoughts and feelings into the physical world – without doing so they rumble around and remain unaccountable.  It’s the difference between dreaming of dinner and making it – if you don’t make it you will go hungry.  Equally when we write we allow the creation of what we have dreamt.

We have four bodies – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical – only when something has passed through each of them and gone back up again will it become a reality.  Our inspiration, turns into thoughts, which we then feel and only then do we bring into physical form.  When it’s in the physical plane, it then goes back up through the emotional and mental planes and back out into the universe.

Universe Shopping List

So by writing something down it’s like doing a shopping list for the Universe!  Especially when it is created with strong positive emotions like joy, passion, love, anticipation, excitement etc.

Each of us has knowledge, inspiration and creation at our finger tips which we fail to access or pay attention to.  It seems such a waste to let it all disapper into the ether unused.  I wonder if writing like many other forms of creative work is a scary prospect to many because they are afraid of ridicule – it’s sometimes easier to have the dream and keep it yourself.

I know that before I started any self development work I used to have wonderfully creative ideas for businesses and would get very enthused about them and draw up ideas which I thought I was keeping to myself.  Of course the passion and energy I put into my scribbles on paper meant that they were real and time after time I found someone not far from me then started the very business I had been conceiving.  I had put it out into the universe and it materialised – not for me as I didn’t take the steps to see it through.

As our energy flows where our attention goes, and we become more and more aware that creating is something easy to do,  remember that if you’ve got a very strong and positive feeling and feel inspired to do something,you’d best get on and do it or else someone else will beat you to it!!

Written by Jackie Walker

November 18, 2009 at 11:42 am