Jackie Walker

Creating a learning space for me, for you and for them

Posts Tagged ‘cycles

For women who want it and get it!

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In conjunction with Amy Palko, Gill Taylor and Vena Ramphal, I’m involved in a very exciting new venture.  This year sees us explore together and with clients what it means to be female, how to be a woman and feminine in 2010 and how many different types of feminine personas there really are and how society can make it confusing.

Word of mouth saw 5  spaces being grabbed before we even had a venue booked – would you like one of the few remaining spaces?

More about what we are doing:

‘And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.’ ~ Anais Nin

The snow and ice starts to melt into the cold dark earth and the verdant shoots begin to push their way up to the surface.  New birth, new growth is stirring as newborn lambs cavort in the fields and baby birds cheep in the branches above.  The time of the Daughter is now.  Her lithe, supple limbs dance across the land as she feels the youthful strength exude from every pore, every fibre, every cell, every strand.  Her heart is unblemished, unbroken, and yet it is also completely and utterly open, unguarded.  She exists at the top right hand quadrant of the female cycle, the female year.

In this, our inaugural Divining Femininity workshop, we aim to celebrate the start of this cycle through a magical mix of goddesses, astrology and yogic and tantric passion coaching.  We want to invite you to join us for a 2 day workshop in the heart of Edinburgh, 20/21 February, to seek the divine feminine in the cycles of contemporary lived experience of women of all ages, stages and backgrounds.  Explore with us the wonder of your femininity as we tell stories, journal bodies, invoke goddesses and chart celestial paths.

The Divine Feminine is calling: it is time for the bud to blossom!

You will find that the weekend is experiential which means that you as an individual will learn from yourself, the group and the hosts – Amy, Gill, Jackie and Vena.  As co-ordinators of the workshop, we will ensure that the space is held to enable each of the small group to get what they need from the time spent with us.

To make sure this happens we will schedule a 30 minute coaching call with Jackie for each of you, both pre and post the weekend to really hone in on your requirements. You might like to think whether you have any issues and the greatest question which you would like to have answered.  She will ask you for your perspective on being a female and what you would rather it be.  After the weekend, you will be able to explore the answers you got, the questions which have since come up and get help with any integration which may be needed.

You will leave the weekend feeling refreshed, centred, more aware and with clarity of what feminine means to you.

You will be receiving:

  • Two full day workshops
  • One hour of 1:1 coaching
  • A specially commissioned Female Year Journal
  • Chakra map
  • Body journaling instructions
  • Breathing exercises
  • Mp3 of guided meditation
  • Personalised Astrology Chart

To join us on this adventure, you can choose now if you would like to book all 4 workshops**  – each will be different and build upon the previous ones, and each can be taken as a standalone weekend or whether you would rather book them closer to the time.

The cost for a single weekend is £250
The cost to book all 4 is £900 – with the £100 saving being deducted from the 4th workshop in November.

Morning and Afternoon tea and coffee will be provided

** Future workshop dates for 2010

11-13 June; 17-19 September; 26-28 November

If you want to know more please just email me – contactjackiewalker at gmail dot com

Written by Jackie Walker

January 1, 2010 at 5:24 pm