Jackie Walker

Creating a learning space for me, for you and for them

Posts Tagged ‘gym

Another hurdle to jump

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Have you ever noticed that things which for others are apparently innocuous can be huge for you?

This week I’ve been persuaded to join a gym.  There’s a lot written about people who join gyms and then stop after the first burst of enthusiasm – a bit like folk who take up tennis when Wimbledon’s on, or folk who make New Year’s resolutions which last all of a week or for some maybe a month.

I tend not to do things which I’m not committed to, so it was a great surprise to me yesterday when I found that I’d actually agreed to join the gym.

Bizarrely, I like being fit and I like to do a lot of walking.  The thought of displaying myself and my ineptitude in front of other people is something I balk at.   The really uncomfortable bit for me though is being seen in tight clothing.  I’ve got my baggy t-shirts looked out to avoid such an eventuality.  The swimming pool might have to wait a bit longer until I’ve summonsed up the courage to step out with my head held high.

All of this stems from being a very overweight (13 stone) and unfit teenager with a pair of boobs which were oggled at thanks to the fact that I could put Dolly Parton to shame.   Surgery at the age of 18 put paid to the physical aspect of the horror as my mountains were made into molehills, however it’s amazing how long the emotional and mental trauma can last.   Given what I do, I’ve worked on most of these issues in the past and as I’ve said before … we have to clear things at all levels – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical before we are truly free of whatever was holding us back.

I’m well aware that 2010 is my year of clearing the physical and joining the gym is one huge leap towards owning my body and being happy with myself in it.

Something which crops up a lot is other folk’s attitudes – because  of the work I do and the size I am – a petite 6-8, people automatically assume that I should be comfy in my own skin.  There are raised eyebrows, sharp intakes of breath and almost a ‘how dare you attitude’, particularly from women.

So tomorrow lunchtime will see me at the gym for an induction session.  I’ve asked for help from my good mate Garth Delikan, The Lifestyle Guy to give me a programme which won’t kill me in the first week.  My friend and business partner will be encouraging me, and as she has a weight/fitness goal to achieve in a short timescale, we’ll be comparing notes.

As always, you only get out what you put in – what I want to achieve by joining the gym is the pleasure of feeling fit, the joy of being more in touch with my body, the sense of achievement which I know will come quickly and overall, the fact that at 50 I’m closing more doors in one year than I’ve ever done in my life by addressing my comfort zones.

Written by Jackie Walker

June 2, 2010 at 5:32 pm