Jackie Walker

Creating a learning space for me, for you and for them

Posts Tagged ‘teacher

When Intuition is not Projection

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I’ve got another big growth question here and I need your help again dear readers.

If we accept that we are all that is and we can not perceive something we haven’t projected, then that means that whatever we see has to come from within and it’s up to us to clear up in ourselves that which we are finding happening to us on the outside … yes?

Ok, I’ve got that bit.  And I also got this bit:

We often attract people to us who are displaying something we still have to clear, or who are exhibiting behaviour/characteristics etc that we have already cleared.

Then, there’s the next bit, which I pretty much get too:

What about if you are intuitive, and can sense what another person is feeling/being – my guess is that we still have to look inside as that’s what all the Kahunas did.  And only when they’d cleared their own issue in that area, even though they didn’t realise they had it, could the client then move on.

So, my dilemma at the moment is that I’m feeling like I’m picking up a person ‘hiding part of themselves’ in my life and only when I expressed that I felt I was having to hide part of me, did I realise that I wasn’t actually doing so, I was being open and honest and it was being met with resistance.

If that’s the truth, and in the past I have hidden my full truth, what does that then mean about my current situation? Does it mean that because I recognise the issue and have cleared it in myself, that I am now the teacher and not the student?

I learned that one of the best indicators was that our emotional response is the key indicator to whether you’ve cleared an issue or not.  What I’ve found today, is that when I expressed what I felt must be my problem (perception/projection rule) , I suddenly got the feeling of ‘No, this isn’t yours, it’s theirs’.

How do you deal with situations like this?

Written by Jackie Walker

April 13, 2010 at 7:01 pm